Lucas C. Corrêa Dias


I am PhD student at São Paulo School of Economics - FGV.

You can find my CV here.

Fields: International Trade, Economic Geography, Urban Economics.



Impacts of Royalties on Copper Miners in Chile with Eduardo Haddad, Patricio Aroca, and Sofia Arantes
The Empirical Economics Letters, 2020

Working Papers

Donkey Business: Trade, Resource Exploitation, and Crime (with Vinícius Cícero), March 2024.

Trade Liberalization and Mortality Rates: Evidence of Pro-Cyclical Mortality from Brazil (with Vinícius Cícero and Sammy Zahran), October 2023. R&R Health Economics

Optimal Road Network and The Gains from Intranational Trade (with Eduardo Haddad and Andrés Maggi), November 2020.